Fantasy Huskers
We all know the best part about fantasy football, it’s the draft! And KLIN is bringing you a Husker fantasy draft every week, with prizes on the line. Listen M-F to LNK Today at 6:35 a.m. and Drive Time Nebraska at 5:15 p.m. for the daily draft keyword and text it to the guys and you’ll have a shot at getting one of two daily draft picks for that week’s Husker game. We’ll ask a new question about the game each week, and the pick that lands closest to what happens on Saturday will win you a sweet prize pack including $50 to Valentino’s and $50 to Best of Big Red! Check here throughout the week to see the picks that have been made so you can play with strategy, then tune in to KLIN to hear the big game on Saturday and root for your prediction!
How many total offensive yards will Nebraska’s defense allow against Iowa?
Jim – 70 yards
Stef – 159 yards
Robert – 196 yards
Nancy – 210 yards
Jim S – 237 yards
Dennis – 260 yards
Carla – 272 yards
James – 289 yards
Chris in Olathe – 294 yards
Tom – 320 yards
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