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Grocery Stores Feel High, Ongoing Demand But Continue To Serve Customer Needs

By News Apr 7, 2020 | 11:00 AM

What if I told you one-way grocery isles, regulated shopping hours and plexiglass at registers wouldn’t raise red flags when shopping for food?

“When you think of snow scare or some sort of disaster, a week or two passes by and things return to normal, but now, this is our new normal,” Stever Parker, store director at the 70th and Pioneers Hy-Vee, tells KLIN News.

Hy-Vee has implemented several changes since we began social distancing.

Parker told us they disinfect the whole store, open every-other check out lane and clean highly-touched surfaces.

Stores are seeing an explosion with on-line ordering since the social distancing measures were enacted.

“What we’re seeing is a high customer demand right now,” he says. “We’re able to fill every order we have and take care of those customers. I would say this is perfect timing to bring those back and take care of those customers who don’t feel comfortable coming into the store.”

He says they don’t have a shortage on any supplies and plan to continue to keep up with the demand. He added the manufacturing sector continues to do great work keeping aisles stocked.

Yesterday, Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird announced people outside should begin wearing masks to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Parker says this won’t raise concerns.

“We’re really don’t feel one way or the other. We encourage all of our shoppers just from a standpoint we’re mirroring what our mayor and governor have asked us to do.”