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Winter Blues Can Really Be SAD – Seasonal Affective Disorder

By Karla James Nov 1, 2021 | 4:51 PM

About five percent of the U.S. population suffers from Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Dr. David Miers is the Director of Behavioral Health at Bryan Health and tells us it is a type of depression associated with the changes of the season. While we most often see it now, SAD can impact people in the spring and summer months as well. It typically happens in the fall and continues through the winter months.

Dr. Miers says, “Folks kid of see this as the winter blues. It is important we don’t brush it off because Seasonal Affective Disorder is a real thing. It is a real depression we need to take seriously. We do need to take steps to keep our mood and motivation steady throughout the year.”

He says make sure you look at your sleep patterns, eating properly, and exercising. Try to get out and walking at the mall, around the house or even outside on nice days.

Symptoms are typical of depression. Dr. Miers says if you are losing interest in activities, lower energy, trouble sleeping, losing weight and not wanting to eat, feeling sluggish, having trouble concentrating or feeling worthless, hopeless and guilty, seek help especially if it lasts for more than two weeks.

Treatment options can include light therapy. Dr. Miers says, “This is prescribed by a psychiatrist where you get a light box that produces a special type of light, lumens, similar to being out in sunlight but you are in your office or home and you have this light on at certain times of day. It produces the same chemicals in your brain as if you were out in the sunlight or exercising. it is very effective.”

Another culprit that can trigger SAD is the time change. Dr. Miers says the decrease in sunlight may affect your body clock and the serotonin, that affects the mood so it could play a part. Along with light therapy, regular therapy and medication can help.