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Special Olympics ‘Polar Plunge’ Fundraiser Set For Saturday, Feb. 17

By Chase Porter Feb 14, 2024 | 3:53 PM

Visit Lincoln

The Parks and Recreation Department invites residents to support the Lincoln Shooting Stars Special Olympics team by participating in the Polar Plunge fundraiser Saturday, February 17. The event will take place at 11 a.m. on the north shore of Holmes Lake, 70th Street and Normal Boulevard.

The Polar Plunge is an annual event that challenges participants to show support for Special Olympics Nebraska by plunging into a lake in winter.

Those who run into the icy waters raise money by collecting pledges from family, friends and coworkers. Plungers are encouraged to form teams, dress in costume and share their experience by using hashtag #BeBoldGetCold. Prizes are awarded for creativity and fundraising. All proceeds from the Polar Plunges go to support the athletes of Special Olympics Nebraska.

“Our Special Olympics program provides sport practices and social gatherings that encourage skill building, team unity, and spirit. Donations from this event help purchase equipment and uniforms, funding to allow a low rate or free entry into all tournaments, and receive free lunch at state events,” said Darcia Cole, Easterday Recreation Center Director.

For event information, registration, or to support the team, visit classy.org/campaign/lincoln-polar-plunge. For more information on the Lincoln Shooting Stars, visit lincoln.ne.gov.