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LES Provides Energy-Saving Tips For Extreme Cold

By Tom Stanton Jan 15, 2024 | 8:47 AM

Lincoln Electric System is continuing to see high electric use due to the extreme cold temperatures and dangerous wind chills.  To keep your bills low, LES is recommending that customers consider energy saving tips in their homes and businesses to limit their electricity usage.

“Small lifestyle changes can translate into energy and cost savings on a customers’ bill,” says Paul Crist, vice president of Energy Delivery. “We want customers to know how to positively impact their bill, especially during prolonged periods of extreme cold.”

LES customers are encouraged to lower their thermostat a few degrees or as low as is comfortable and make sure air registers are not obstructed by furniture, carpeting or drapes. Other tips include keeping windows tightly latched and seal windows and inside doors.

You can also postpone using major electric appliances such as stoves, ovens, dishwashers and clothes dryers until the demand for electricity decreases.  It’s also recommended that you turn off electric lights and appliances not in use.