Lancaster County Election Commissioner Todd Wiltgen announced today that his office has started mailing early vote ballots for the April 4th Primary City Election. Voters who requested early vote ballots should start to receive their ballots by the end of this week.
Commissioner Wiltgen reminded voters that state law permits any registered voter to vote an early ballot. However, voters must request that ballot in writing. An early vote request form is also available on the Election Commissioner’s website at: www.lancaster.ne.gov/election. Vote by mail applications for the April 4th primary must be received by the Lancaster County Election Commissioner’s Office by 6:00 PM on Friday, March 24th.
Also starting today, Lincoln voters may cast an early ballot in person for the April Primary at the Election Office at 601 North 46th Street. Early in person voting for the primary election will continue through Monday, April 3rd. The office will be open this week Monday through Thursday from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM and from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM on Friday.