Nebraska Community Blood Bank has declared a blood emergency following a period of low donor turnout. Marketing Manager Kari Lundeen tells KLIN News there is currently less than a three day supply of type O negative and B negative, but all blood types are needed. There is also a critical shortage of platelets.
Type O- is the universal blood type and represents only 6% of the US population. It is most often used in trauma situations, allowing for immediate transfusions during emergencies. The current low supply of O negative blood is critical and donations from these donors are especially needed.
In addition they have seen a huge decrease in the number of youth and first-time blood donors since 2019. “Only three percent of the population donates blood, so three percent takes care of 100 percent of our patients in hospitals,” Lundeen says.
“If we could even increase that by one percent, we would not be in a blood emergency again.” Blood donors can give every 56 days, and platelet donors can give twice per month. To make an appointment, donors can call 402.486.9414 or click here.