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(Chase Porter, KLIN)

Early Vote Ballots for May 14th Primary Being Mailed Out in Lancaster County

By Chase Porter Apr 8, 2024 | 3:26 PM

If you requested an early vote-by-mail ballot for the May 14th primary election in Lincoln-Lancaster County, you should receive your ballot by the end of this week, according to the Lancaster County Election Commission Office.

Commissioner Todd Wiltgen told KLIN News they’re starting to send them out today and voters can still request a vote-by-mail ballot through 6:00 PM on Friday, May 3rd.

Signed early vote ballots may be returned to the Election Commission in the self-addressed envelope enclosed with their ballot by mail or by dropping them off in the secure drop box located on the north side of the Lancaster County Election Commission’s Office, located at 601 North 46th Street.

Voters can also drop ballots off at one of the four new Lincoln city library drop boxes:

  • Anderson Branch Library, 3635 Touzalin Avenue
  • Eiseley Branch Library, 1530 Superior Street
  • Gere Branch Library, 2400 South 56th Street
  • Walt Branch Library, 6701 South 14th Street

By law, early vote ballot envelopes must be signed and received by the Election Commission by 8:00 PM on May 14th.

Voters can also pick up an early vote ballot for the May Primary Election at the Election Office starting today. Early in-person voting for the general election will begin next Monday, April 15th. Election Commission office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

State law permits any registered voter to cast an early ballot. However, voters must request that ballot in writing. An early vote request form is available on the Election Commissioner’s website at: lancaster.ne.gov/election.

This will also be Nebraska’s first election to require voters to present a photo ID or a license number while voting or while requesting an early voting ballot. Wiltgen said the vast majority of voters are providing a driver’s license or a state id number on the application itself.

“As we approach May 14, I just want to make sure voters — who are submitting early vote ballots by mail or in a secure drop box — know that the ballot’s envelope must be signed. That’s the most common reason for rejecting an early vote ballot is that it lacks a signature on the envelope,” said Wiltgen.

Acceptable forms of ID include a driver’s license, state ID, passport, military ID, tribal ID, college ID, state political subdivision ID, or a hospital/assisted-living/nursing home record.

If you are anxiously waiting for your ballot, Wiltgen says, “I would ask the voters wait until the end of the week, and if they have not received their ballots, contact our office and we can try to assist with tracking it down.”

For more information about Nebraska Voter ID requirements, visit voterid.nebraska.gov. Anyone having questions regarding early voting should contact the Election Office at (402) 441-7311. Voters may check the status of their early vote ballot on the Nebraska Secretary of State’s Voter View website at: votercheck.necvr.ne.gov/voterview.