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Lincoln Electric System Warns Customers of Uptick in Scams

By Chase Porter Feb 21, 2024 | 3:22 PM

Lincoln Electric System has received an increase in reports from customers in the LES service area about potential scams. The company is urging customers to take steps to protect themselves and their sensitive information.

Scammers have been reported to use fake emails, Wi-Fi networks, and phone numbers to contact customers. Most recently, scammers have sent text messages to residents claiming that their electric bill is due, threatening to disconnect power and offering discounts on the bill. A malicious link then accompanies the text message.

With scammers constantly finding creative ways to tricks victims, LES is reminding residents to be aware of the sender of these messages and not to click on any suspicious links. LES only sends text messages to customers who opt into the service, and customers should always verify that the information in the text matches the LES account information on their bill.

“The best thing you can do is look at your LES bill, either online or reach out to us during business hours, if you have questions about your account,” LES Manager of Customer Care Heather Schlautman told KLIN News.

Schlautman said LES will not send you an ultimatum message, threatening to cut off your power if a payment isn’t made, “We send notices out. We provide door hangers. We only send the text and email alerts to folks who actually sign up for those particular types of notifications.”

LES wants customers to keep the following tips in mind:

  • LES will not contact you via phone, threatening to disconnect service or asking for immediate payment. The utility uses disconnect notices and reminders on bills for delinquent accounts, door hangers for service terminations, and email/text alerts for only those who opt-in to receive them.
  • No legitimate utility will ask for gift cards, prepaid cards or money transfers as forms of payment.
  • Maintain good cyber hygiene by avoiding suspicious emails and texts, especially ones that ask you to do something right away or require personal information, and avoid using public Wi-Fi when conducting sensitive activities online.
  • LES does not use automated “robo” calls requesting customers call back to make a payment.
  • When you call LES, the utility only asks for account information to confirm your identity. Never give your financial or account information to someone who calls, texts or emails you.

If a call or text message seems suspicious, do not provide any information. Report it to the attorney general’s office immediately. If you DID provide information, call the police department’s non-emergency telephone number to report the scam.

If you have any questions about your account or would like to verify its status, access your account at LES.com.