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City of Lincoln Weapons Policy Detail Released

By Mark Vail Sep 8, 2023 | 7:27 AM

One day before Nebraska’s Constitutional Carry law was effective, Lincoln Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird signed an Executive Order (No. 97962) which prohibits the possession of weapons in all vehicles, buildings and facilities owned, leased, controlled or maintained by the City of Lincoln.

Among the definitions defined as ‘City Property’ includes public sidewalks, approach sidewalks,  parking lots, parks and other locations under the City’s ownership or control.

Weapon is defined in the policy as any firearm, stun gun, knife with a blade longer than 3.5 inches, explosive and other items likely to cause death or serious bodily injury.

The Executive Order also outlines non-compliance which will be considered as trespassing and be subject to criminal and civil penalties.

The complete Executive Order is available here Lincoln Weapons Policy 9-1-23 EO 97962