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Authorities Urge Caution Amid Heat Advisory Warning

By Chase Porter Jul 24, 2023 | 12:06 PM

The city of Lincoln will enter a heat advisory effective at 1 p.m. today, Monday, to 9 p.m. Thursday, July 27. National Weather Service officials say the heat index is expected to reach values up to 110 degrees. The heat index is a more accurate measure of how hot it really feels when the humidity is added to the actual air temperature.

Health officials say the most at risk populations include: children, because their bodies are less able to adapt to heat, produce more heat with activity, sweat less and are less likely to rest or get a drink when they are active. As well as Older adults, those with chronic diseases, those who are overweight, those using certain medications, and those under the influence of alcohol.

Both air temperature and humidity affect the body’s ability to cool itself during hot weather. Heat stress occurs when sweating isn’t enough to cool the body, causing a person’s body temperature to rise rapidly. Heat stress symptoms include clammy, sweaty skin; light-headedness; weakness; and nausea. Heat-related illnesses include sunburn, heat exhaustion and heat stroke, and the most severe form requires immediate medical attention. More information can be found at lincoln.ne.gov.

Hot weather precautions include the following:

  • Drink plenty of non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated fluids, especially during physical activity.
  • Avoid heavy meals and hot foods, which add heat to your body.
  • Monitor infants and children for fluid intake, and dress them in cool, loose-fitting clothing.
  • Check on relatives, neighbors and friends who may be at risk.
  • Never leave children or pets in parked cars. Even with the windows open, temperatures can reach dangerous levels in only a few minutes. Look before you lock the vehicle.
  • Make sure pets and livestock that live outdoors have plenty of fresh, cool water and shade. Pets should be brought indoors if possible.