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Lincoln To Host Advanced Teen Driver Training Event

By Tom Stanton Jul 21, 2023 | 3:31 PM

Parents of teenage drivers in Nebraska are being encouraged to register them for an advanced driver training event next month. Bill Kovarik is the Nebraska Highway Safety Administrator and says the risk of crashes is higher among teens aged 16-19.

“Our teens are over-represented in crashes and fatalities,” Kovarik says.  “Only about five percent of our drivers are teen drivers, but it’s closer to 13-14 percent of crashes are involving teen drivers.”  The Nebraska Safety Council and NDOT Highway Safety Office have partnered with B.R.A.K.E.S. to host the free training event August 12 & 13 at the Lincoln Airport.

Participation is limited and teens interested in participating are encouraged get signed up as soon as possible. To sign up click here or Registration | B.R.A.K.E.S. Teen Driver’s Training For Safe Driving and Accident Prevention (putonthebrakes.org)

B.R.A.K.E.S. teaches teens crash avoidance techniques on a closed course, in a controlled environment.  There will be a combination and hands on experiences.  Workshops will consist of:

  • Car Control/ Skid Recovery Exercise
  • Panic Braking/ABS Stop Exercise
  • Distraction Driving Awareness Exercise
  • Drop Wheel/Off Road Recovery Exercise
  • Crash Avoidance Exercise
  • Slalom Exercise

Students will also learn proper seat-belt usage, proper seating, hand and mirror positioning, safe driving pledge, safely sharing the road with big rigs and what to do during a traffic stop. Parents are required to attend with their teen.  There will be three different sessions on August 12 and two on August 13 and each session is about two hours.

(Photo: PutOnTheBrakes.org)