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Nebraska Legal Marijuana NOW Party Rally Set For Thursday

By Karla James Mar 23, 2022 | 6:00 AM

Three members of the Nebraska Legal Marijuana NOW Party will attend a Rush Hour Rally in Lincoln on Thursday, March 24th from 4 until 6 at the corner of 48th and O Street.

Mark Elworth Jr. is running for the U.S. House of Representatives in District 3 and tells KLIN News, “It is our first year of being on the ballot. We are getting all three of our candidates together. We have our yard signs out and all of our flyers. We are inviting the public to come out and talk to us. We are going to hold signs up that say “Vote Marijuana”, “Cannabis Is Safe”, very basic messages and let people we are running.”

Elworth says Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana will also attend and will collect signatures for the Medical Marijuana Petition that is due in July for the 2022 General Election.

The Party’s two other candidates, Larry Bolinger for State Attorney General and Leroy Lopez for State Auditor will also attend the event.

Elworth Jr. says they are excited to be on the ballot. Their purpose is to end the prohibition of marijuana in Nebraska.