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Sasse, Fischer Respond After Zelensky’s Address To Congress

By Tom Stanton Mar 16, 2022 | 3:07 PM

Nebraska U.S. Senator’s Deb Fischer and Ben Sasse talked about the importance of providing Ukraine assistance after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s joint address to Congress Wednesday morning.

“President Zelenskyy is inspiring, and he is a fighter. President Zelenskyy is a leader and he is a hero. But his situation is dire,” Fischer says.  “We should be looking at any and all available options that are out there to assist Ukraine.  In particular, the more sophisticated anti-air systems to counter Russian bombing.”

Fischer, a senior Member of the Senate Armed Services  Committee says some options could include working with our allies to provide the Soviet-era systems that the Ukrainian forces know how to operate.

“They’re familiar with things like the SA-8 and the SA-10 and those can target planes at higher altitudes.”   Other resources are the counter-drone technology as well as the anti-tank and anti-air weapons that we’ve heard my colleagues mention.

Senator Sasse says the United States is a superpower and Zelensky has challenged us to act like it.  “Zelensky needs more. If it shoots, we should ship it. More S-300s, more Javelins, more drones, more Stingers, more everything,” Sasse says.

He says the Ukrainians are fighting, not just for their kids, they’re fighting for freedom.  During his address to Congress, Zelensky called for a no-fly zone to protect Ukraine from what the continued Russian aggression.