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Constitutional Carry Bill Advances In Nebraska Legislature

By Karla James Mar 11, 2022 | 1:16 PM

Nebraska would be the 24rd state to allow constitutional carry of weapons under a bill that advanced in the Legislature on Friday. The bill would authorize the conceal carry of weapons without a permit.

LB 773 was introduced by State Senator Tom Brewer. On the floor Friday, Brewer said, “Do not deny the people of Nebraska the opportunity to do the most basic thing in protecting themselves and their family.”

Opponents mounted a filibuster Thursday and debate took the entire day. Friday’s agenda started with the continuance of the bill. Brewer then stated, “Don’t be crying when we run out of time and your bill isn’t heard. In that time we could of passed a lot of legislation.”

On Friday, a motion was called at 10:15 a.m. by Senator Matt Hansen to adjourn after there were heated words and accusations between several lawmakers. That motion was denied and debate continued. After a motion to end debate, and several others, a vote was taken. LB 773 advanced with a 35 – 9 vote.