Nebraskans Against Gun Violence is speaking out in opposition of LB 773, a bill introduced by State Senator Tom Brewer that would prohibit regulation of carrying a concealed handgun by cities, villages, and counties. It would also provide for the carrying of a concealed handgun without a permit.
Nebraskans Against Gun Violence spokesperson Melody Vaccaro tells KLIN News that 8 hours of training and a background check is not too much to ask before being allowed to carry a loaded gun in public. Vaccaro says they are disappointed to see that Senator Brewer is moving away from his position on gun safety from last year with the passage of safe storage in vehicle legislation. There is concern about an increased danger to the public and children across the state by removing important gun safety training and education.
The organization would like to see more rules in place that include safe storage and only the gun owner has access to weapons. They encourage buddies through training to hold guns for each other when one person is going through personal problems. They would also like to see a policy crafted that gives families protection when one person is no longer safe with their guns.
Nebraskans Against Gun Violence says gun violence is a public health crisis and they support serious funding of research, proven community programming, using a combination of education, policy and accountability to reduce gun violence.