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Mayor Selects Teresa Ewins As Next Lincoln Police Chief

By Tom Stanton Jun 28, 2021 | 3:12 PM

Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird announced on Monday that she has selected Teresa Ewins to serve as the next Lincoln Police Chief.  Ewins most recently has been a Commander with the San Francisco Police Department.

After approval by the Lincoln City Council, she will take over the post August 30, 2021. The Mayor thanked Assistant Chief Brian Jackson for his service as the Acting Police Chief during the search process.

“Teresa most vividly demonstrated a commitment to the broad themes we identified during our search process as priorities for the next Police Chief: a commitment to community policing, support for our officers and the department, a focus on diversity and equity both within the force and in the community, and an unwavering dedication to transparency and accountability,” Mayor Gaylor Baird said. “She rose to the top of an excellent field of four finalists, all of whom were highly-regarded and well-qualified candidates.”

Ewins says she is grateful for the opportunity.  “It truly is a great honor to be chosen to be the Lincoln Police Department’s  next Chief of Police. I am excited to start the next chapter of my career in Lincoln and be part of a great City team led by the Mayor. Working side by side with the men and women of the LPD and the communities of Lincoln is a privilege.”

The mayor says during her visit to Lincoln last week, Ewins articulated a vision that connected with stakeholders in the search process.  “I heard street officers, command staff, and community members all express the belief that she is the right leader for the Lincoln Police Department.  She shares our priority of seeking continuous improvement, while celebrating the excellent work of the team at LPD.”

Ewins has risen through the ranks of the San Francisco Police Department since she joined the organization in 1994. Over the course of her 26-year policing career, she has served in the Field Operations Bureau, Investigations Bureau and Special Operations Bureau.   As the Commander of Field Operations Bureau-Metro Division, Ewins oversaw five of the 10 District Stations in the downtown area with approximately 900 officers.

Ewins will become the first woman to lead the department.  Gaylor Baird thanked Assistant Chief Brian Jackson for his service as the Acting Police Chief during the search process.