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Mass Vaccination Clinic Friday Administers About 4,800 Shots of COVID-19 Vaccine

By News Feb 6, 2021 | 3:59 PM

The third large-scale COVID-19 vaccine clinic at Pinnacle Bank Arena Friday resulted in about 4,800 Lancaster County residents receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.  Most of those being vaccinated were residents age 80 and up and their spouses.  Those vaccinated will receive their second doses Friday, February 26, and they will be contacted by the Lincoln-Lancaster Health Department (LLCHD) with more details.

“Many of the residents we vaccinated today have been extremely careful for many months, often giving up treasured time with family and friends to prevent illness,” said Health Director Pat Lopez.  “Being able to vaccinate this vulnerable group is extremely rewarding. The success of the clinic  was the result of assistance from community partners and volunteers, excellent planning, and the continued cooperation of the Arena staff, who did all they could to make the process easy and safe for those being vaccinated.”

Lopez said the number of doses allocated for Lancaster County will increase from about 3,900 a week to about 4,875 a week.   Today’s clinic was the first one for community members in the Phase 1B priority group. Phase 1B includes individuals age 65 and up, those from age 18 to 65 with underlying conditions, and essential workers.  Lopez said those who live in independent living facilities will be vaccinated at those facilities next week, and future vaccination clinics are being planned.

The first step to getting vaccinated is to register to receive vaccine.  About 70,450 Lancaster County residents have registered using the online form at COVID19.lincoln.ne.gov.  While the vaccine is not yet available for the general public,  as doses become available, those who are registered will receive an appointment to be vaccinated.

Registration is open to all County residents, but LLCHD says those who are in Phase 1B should register soon.  LLCHD will work directly with those designated as essential workers included in Phase 1B and their employers.

Family members and caregivers are encouraged to assist those who need help to register. Those who do not have online access or who need assistance, may call the COVID-19 hotline at 402-441-8006 to register. The form is available in English and Spanish. LLCHD also has interpreters available to assist callers who speak other languages.

The simple electronic form captures basic information that will be used to help determine when the individual can be vaccinated. The information goes into a secure system and is strictly confidential. As vaccine becomes available, LLCHD will contact people who are registered to schedule an appointment to get vaccinated.

Residents do not need to register on both the Lancaster County site and the state site. LLCHD and the state health department can securely share data as needed. Signing up on both sites will not cause any issues, but is not necessary.

Vaccinating Lancaster County residents will take time. LLCHD urges the public to be patient and continue to take precautions to protect themselves and others – wear a mask, watch your distance, wash your hands, and avoid crowded spaces, close contact, and confined spaces.

For more information on COVID-19 vaccine, visit COVID19.lincoln.ne.gov, call the Health Department hotline at 402-441-8006 or visit CDC.org/coronavirus.

Source:  Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department News Release