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Nebraska Foster Care Review Office December 2020 Quarterly Report

By News Dec 1, 2020 | 3:39 PM

The Foster Care Review Office submitted its December 1, 2020, Quarterly Report to the Nebraska Legislature.  The report highlights responses of the DHHS Division of Children and Family Services and the Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation to the recommendations contained in the FCRO’s 2020 Annual Report.

With the release, FCRO Executive Director, Monika E. Gross, JD, issued the following statement:

“We have to work together as a system in order to make significant, lasting change in child welfare and juvenile justice.  One way we can do that is by having ongoing dialogue among the system partners about how to make system improvements. The FCRO’s systemic recommendations are an ideal springboard for conversations around improving the experience of children in out-of-home care in Nebraska.  We are pleased that the Division of Children and Family Services and the Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation have responded to our recommendations so we can share their progress with the Legislature and the public.  An area we remain concerned about is the number of children in unlicensed placements, thereby preventing the state from collecting federal Title IV-E funds for a portion of the care and case management of otherwise eligible children.  The FCRO will continue to collaborate and communicate with our system partners to pursue our recommendations.”

The FCRO continues to provide data on all children in out-of-home care, a population that totaled 4,077 children on 9/30/2020.  Additionally, the FCRO continues to analyze the impact of system changes – including the contract change in the Eastern Service Area and the changes to the YRTC system – on the children and families served by our State.  The FCRO recognizes that discerning the impact of intentional changes may be difficult in light of simultaneous system responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.

For this report, the FCRO requested updates on recommendations issued in the September 2020 Annual Report that could be shared with our readers.   Stephanie Beasley, Director of the DHHS Division of Children and Family Services, issued a comprehensive statement, which is included in the Report.  Similarly, the Administrative Office of Courts and Probation provided a letter that points readers to its publicly available reports and documents.  Both cite collaborative efforts and community involvement.  The FCRO continues to work with stakeholders to improve conditions for Nebraska’s children and youth in out-of-home care.

The Executive Summary of the December 1, 2020, FCRO Quarterly Report can be found here:  https://nebraskalegislature.gov/FloorDocs/106/PDF/Agencies/Foster_Care_Review_Office/584_20201201-130410.pdf