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Signature Verification Completed for Payday Lending Initiative

By News Aug 5, 2020 | 12:48 PM
Secretary of State Bob Evnen announced today that county elections officials have completed their task of verifying signatures submitted as part of the Payday Lending petition. The Secretary of State has received county certifications within the time period required by law.
“After careful review by our counties, I can confirm that the statutory requirements for valid signatures have been met,” Evnen said. “The initiative will be placed on the ballot for the November general election.”
At least 85,628 valid signatures were required to add the petition questions to the 2020 general election ballot.
Signatures of more than five percent of registered voters were collected in 46 counties of the State’s 93 counties. This meets the distribution requirement for counties for an initiative petition.
“Certified letters will be mailed to the sponsors, notifying them of the results of the petition campaign,” added Evnen.
Public hearings will be held in each of the congressional districts and a brochure about the initiative will be distributed to each of the county election offices. The dates and locations of district hearings will be announced later.
Evnen also noted that a lawsuit has been filed objecting to the ballot title that the Attorney General has written for the initiative. The Attorney General will defend that lawsuit.  It is expected that a decision will be rendered on a timely basis.