May is mental health and child mental month in Nebraska and residents are being encouraged to learn the signs of mental distress.
At today’s gubernatorial COVID-19 briefing, Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services’ Sherri Dawson said signs include withdrawal, agitation, hopelessness, change of routine, and personality changes.
“If you’ve taken a first aid course and CPR, then you should also, in the pandemic, when the classes are all available, take mental health first aid and QPR,” said Dawson.
QPR stands for Question, Persuade, Refer, and is a class that trains people to intervene with the suicidal.
Dawson also stressed the importance of taking time out to protect your own mental health.
Dawson says you would be surprised at how much spending just 15 minutes on an activity you enjoy can help rejuvenate your mental health.
“Do some self-care,” said Dawson. “Whatever that activity is, music, relaxation, meditation, prayer, walks; it could be anything that is really helpful for your stress.”
Dawson adds to not forget to help any children you may be responsible for.
She recommends caregivers create situations within their daily routine where children and teens can come to them to talk about how their feelings.
“I will give you a tip,” said Dawson. ” The car for teenagers is a captive audience.”